Youth Pottery and Sculpture

Aspiring young artists will have a reason to get messy in this classroom. Your child will have an opportunity to learn the basics of making wheel-thrown and hand built pottery. They will not only learn a new design vocabulary, they will gain hands-on knowledge of the potter's wheel and glazing techniques.
Who is it for?
The young novice to experienced artist who is 8-14 years-old.
What you might make
Mugs, bowls, figures, boxes
What to expect
Expect to have fun, get creative and make some amazing pieces of art! During this class experience your child will “throw” clay on a potter’s wheel, handbuild ceramic sculpture and explore clay’s potential as a sculptural medium. The instructor will use demonstrations to guide your child through the different clay techniques, and spend time with each student, evaluating their progress and help them tackle challenges they have during the building process.
What to bring
Your creativity and a willingness to have fun. *Don’t forget an old towel and a beginning pottery set (sold at Dick Blick or online). Be prepared for your child to get some clay on their clothes even with a towel, so have them dress casually.