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The purpose of the Clay Collective is to enhance the Adult Visual Arts, Clay and Sculpture, of the

Roswell Recreation & Parks Department with the objectives described below.

(a) Programs;

(b) Shows;

(c) Workshops;

(d) Similar activities approved by the Board and Membership.


Membership in the Clay Collective is open all students and instructors at Art Center West. Active

status is defined as any student that has taken a weekly class during the current or prior calendar quarter.

All members shall have the right to vote in the election of new officers in the positions of President, Vice- President, Secretary, and Treasurer.

The member shall be required to supply a current e-mail address so that they can receive notices

and minutes. This information shall not be released to any other source. No membership dues shall be

charged. All persons are invited to participate in all programs and use al facilities of Roswell Recreation

and Parks Department regardless of race, color or national origin.


The Board of Directors is the governing body of the Clay Collective. The Board of Directors shall

be composed of the following: President, Vice-President; Secretary; Treasurer, Roswell Visual Arts

Coordinator, Art Center West Education Director, Art Center West Facilities Manager and Art Center

West instructors appointed by the board.The board is responsible for setting and approving an annual The board is responsible for setting policies which must be consistent with the city of Roswell

calendar and Roswell Recreation and Parks Department policies. Duties of the governing body are:

  • President: The President presides over all Board meetings and serves as Chair of the Board.

  • The President shall over see the execution of the Board approved calendar. The President is responsible to appoint committee chairs sufficient to carry out the program set out in its annual calendar. The President shall serve as liaison between the Clay Collective and the Roswell Recreation & Parks Department. The President or her/his designee shall be the sole spokesperson for the Clay Collective in all external communication. The normal term of the President shall be one year but may be re-elected.

  • Vice-President: The Vice-President shall assist the President in all areas of his/her duties. The Vice-President shall serve as President in the President's absence or inability to carry out the office. In the event that the President resigns his/her position before her/his term ends the Vice-President shall complete the term as President. The normal term of Vice-President shall be one year but may be re-elected.

  • Secretary: The Secretary shall record and maintain minutes of all Board and Clay Collective meetings. The Secretary shall maintain current membership information. The Secretary shall transmit the minutes of all Clay Collective meetings to the current membership. The normal term of Secretary shall be one year but may be re-elected.

  • Treasurer: The Treasurer shall keep financial information for the Clay Collective. The Treasurer shall collect all monies from the shows, disperse checks to show participants, and pay the required taxes; as well as pay bills as authorized and control the Clay Collective bank account. The Treasurer shall provide a quarterly report to the Board and a yearly written Income Expense Statement to the membership. The Treasurer shall also supply all financial reports required by the Roswell Recreation & Parks Department. The normal term of Treasurer shall be one year but may be re-elected.

  • All officers must comply with the Constitution, Organization By-laws and the City of Roswell, Roswell Recreation & Parks Department, and Roswell Visual Arts Center Policies and Procedures.

  • Officers are members of a Board of Directors who make decisions on behalf of the Organization. No single Officer or Group of Officers may commit to expenditure of Funds which is not covered by an approved budget.

  • The Board of Directors, by majority vote, may approve a one-time expense of $500.00.

  • Officers must be discreet when operation under the aegis of the City of Roswell. Any personal concerns or criticisms must be presented as a private citizen. When in doubt, officers should refer such issues to the Roswell Visual Arts Center Coordinator.


The Board of Directors shall have authority to establish committees to carry out the annual program and goals as determined by the Board of Directors. The Committee chairs shall report to the President or her/his designee.


The Board of Directors shall establish the dates of all Clay Collective Board and Clay Collective

meetings. There shall be an annual meeting to elect officers and to report of the activities and financial

status of the Clay Collective. A written Income Expense Statement for the year shall be given to the

membership at the annual meeting. Meetings should be consistent with the Clay Collective purpose. The

date, time, and location of the annual meeting shall be announced to the membership at least 30 days in


General Clay Collective meetings shall be held any time the Board needs to authorize more than

$500.00 on a one-time expense.The membership shall vote on these expenses and the vote shall pass by a 2/3 majority of the members attending. The Board shall make the membership aware of all expenses below


General Clay Collective meetings shall be held any time the Board needs to deviate from the

annual program and goals to allow the membership to vote on this addition or change.


The Clay Collective may hold special events field trips, shows, art auctions, and other events that support the purpose of the organization. All events shall be operation following a budget approved by the Board. All activities should be self-supporting unless approved by the board.


Elections shall be held annually. The Board of Directors shall ask for nominations from the

membership. The Board of Directors shall offer a slate of nominations for officers at the annual meeting.

The officers shall be elected by a 2/3 majority of the membership. If a member is unable to attend the

annual meeting they may give their proxy to a member of the Board of Directors who shall cast this vote as

directed by the member. A proxy vote must be in writing or in e-mail from the member. The officers shall serve from January 1 to December 31.


All proposed changes or amendments to the by-laws may be adopted by a two-thirds vote of the membership. Any proposed amendment or change shall be submitted to the membership 30 days in advance of the amendment or change being presented to the membership.


The Board of Directors shall fill a vacancy for the un-expired portion of the term.


No member of the Board of Directors or Committees shall receive monetary remuneration.


Upon the dissolution of the Clay Collective no officer or member or anyone else associated with

the Clay Collective shall have any rights to or receive any assets of the Clay Collective. The disposition of

any funds or assets of the Clay Collective shall be determined by the Roswell Recreation & Parks



Funds raised by the Clay Collective may be used to improve or maintain the clay programs offered

by the Art Center West and the Clay Collective and the equipment at the Arts Center West. The Clay

Collective shall not donate funds to any person, organization, or charity unless approved by the Board and there is a clear communication to the membership as to the use of the funds. No funds may be used to supplement the salary of any employee of the Roswell Recreation & Parks Department or hire any personnel of the art program without written consent of the Director of the Roswell Parks and Recreation Department. This section incorporates into the by-laws Roswell Recreation and Parks Procedures not otherwise covered in the Constitution or by-laws.

A. Facility & Grounds

Meetings, educational space and gallery space is furnished by and property of the Roswell Recreation and Parks Department. Facility rooms and equipment cannot be considered organization property.

Roswell Recreation and Parks Department Policies and Procedures Scheduling for all facilities, grounds, gallery space and classrooms must be approved by the Roswell Visual Arts Coordinator. Request a "Room Set-Up Form" from the RVAC office to request a specific set up for educational and meeting events.

Organizations are expected to leave all facilities, grounds and equipment clean- as they were found or in better condition. No office or classroom supplies or instructor property should be appropriated for organizational use. Roswell Visual Arts building supervisors will be provided at no charge during approved

and scheduled activities.

During organization activities, RVAC employees will be performing their regular duties and will

not be available to perform duties on behalf of the organization except as outlined by the Roswell Visual Arts


Organizations must comply with RVAC policies regarding opening, closing and supervising of City of Roswell facilities, including scheduled hours. No organization member may remain in the facility

after the building supervisor has closed and left the facility.

B. Offices, Classrooms, Studios, & Equipment

Roswell Visual Arts offices, computers, office equipment and office supplies are private and are

not for organization use. Office supplies and equipment should be purchased using organizational funds

and should be available at all meetings and events.

Access to City of Roswell computers, internet and printing capabilities is strictly prohibited by

anyone other than RVAC staff. All office computers are monitored by the City of Roswell MIS department.

Organizations may make up to 50 copies during a scheduled organization function. All other copy and printing

needs should be handled elsewhere.


C. Events

All new events must be approved and scheduled with the Board of Directors and the Roswell

Visual Arts Coordinator. Dates and times for existing events should be confirmed with the Roswell

Visual Arts Coordinator before publication.

Existing events are the Spring and Winter "Works in Clay" Show and Sale, and West Fest.

D. Education Programs

Roswell Visual Arts provides facilities and building supervision for workshops operated

and coordinated by organizations. The organization Treasurer must collect all monies, issue refunds

and keep accurate records of participants and payment.

Before contracting an artist, clubs must contact the Visual Arts Coordinator to schedule classroom

space and building supervision and to get approval for the workshop, instructor, description and fees. If

materials are to be provided by the organization for the workshop, such as clay studio fees or

darkroom fees, the organization must pay these fees through the Roswell Recreation and Parks Department.

For a specific classroom or facility set-up, organization Officers must complete a "Room Set-Up Form",

which is available in the RVAC office.

If materials are to be provided by the organization for the workshop, such as clay studio fees or darkroom

fees, the organization must pay these fees through the Roswell Recreation and Parks Department.

For a specific classroom or facility set-up, organization Officers must complete a "Room Set-Up Form",

which is available in the RVAC office.

E. Awards & Recognition

Any organization or individual wishing to receive a grant, award or reimbursement from Roswell

Visual Arts must complete the RVAC "Grant Request Form" and include copies of all receipts. This

form includes such considerations as postage, reception support and scholarships and is available in the

RVAC office. The form must be submitted at least 10 business days before reimbursement is expected.

Letters of Support: Any organization or individual wishing to receive a letter of support or award nomination

from Roswell Visual Arts must notify the Visual Arts Coordinator at least two weeks prior to the deadline.

The requestor must provide a copy of the parameters, rules and requirements of the letter or nomination;

documentation of the award or nomination for which the letter is required; and any necessary materials. This information must be received at least 10 business days before the letter is due.

F. Approval

Any document, sign, banner, postcard, press release, brochure, flier, form or other promotional

material must be approved by the Roswell Visual Arts Coordinator at least 5 business days prior to

printing/due date to insure that the correct proper names, sponsors, logos, descriptions and contact information

comply with City of Roswell policies.

If the organization wishes to forgo this review, press releases and all other promotional materials will be designed and written by Roswell Visual Arts staff at the organization's request. Printing and postage will still

be handled by the organization using organization funds.

G. Promotional Requirements

The following policies are non-negotiable:

Any organization event occurring at the Roswell Visual Arts Center must acknowledge the sponsorship

f the Roswell Visual Arts Center and the Roswell Recreation and Parks Department and must include the City of

Roswell website:

All signs and banners must have City of Roswell sign permits and use the exact proper names of City of

Roswell facilities and programs.

Materials, printing and postage must be arranged and paid for by the organization using organizational

funds. Supplemental funds may be requested using the Grant Request Form, available in the RVAC office.

Organizations are prohibited from delivering labeled promotional material to City Hall to be mailed without

prior approval.

All promotional material to be mailed must contain the correct facility phone number and mailing and return

address, which is 38 Hill Street, Suite 100, Roswell, Georgia 30075 for all Roswell Visual Arts facilities.

The use of the City of Roswell logo is encouraged.

H. Exact References

The following exact references are to be used in their entirety (as applicable) for any promotional material,

including signs and banners:

- "Roswell Recreation & Parks Department" ("RRPD")

- "Roswell Visual Arts" (includes ACW & RVAC)

-"Roswell Visual Arts Center" ("RVAC") - Phone (770) 594-6122

- "Physical Location: 10495 Woodstock Road, Roswell, Georgia 30075

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